Tuesday, September 08, 2009

2 hours from west to east

I'm too tired for anything!
Had lecture in NP yesterday evening.
The aircon was even colder than SIM. =[
And I think i saw someone familiar in the same lecture.
Someone from Brighton.

Went to Yew Tee to take some stuffs from Erni after class.
The journey back from West to east takes me 2 hours :(
I took the last train, last bus and reached home at 1AM.

Was supposed to meet Erni and Kwanli today for dinner,
but I decided to cancel last night.
Cuz it's just 2 more days and my bags are still unpacked, assignments still incomplete.
I'm sorry gals that i have to fly the areoplane again.
But sometimes, sacrifice is needed to set my priority right.
I need to have a good rest tonight.

My brain is stoning at work now.
I've so many things to do but my physical body and brain arent working.
I guess I'm just too drained.


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